What can I be seen for?
Sprains/Strains of the extremities.
Colds and/or Flu-like symptoms involving the upper respiratory tract.
Fever, with uncertain cause.
Sore Throats
Simple lacerations/cuts requiring stitches or staples of 2 or less.
First degree or minor second degree burns.
Low back pain from lifting, or chronic low back pain.
Headaches (patients with previous work-ups)
Abrasions or cuts & scrapes.
Rash with no blood pressure or breathing complications.
Insect stings or spider bites with only a localized reaction.
Urinary Tract Infection without fever or vomiting.
Scratched Eye
Foreign bodies in the eye.
Foreign bodies in the nose/ears.
Sinus Infection
School and/or sports physicals (Payment due prior to exam.)
Employment Physicals
Convenient Care
Sunday-Saturday 8am-8pm
How Does Convenient Care Work?
A Triage Nurse will perform an initial assessment. The Triage Nurse and/or Physician shall have final authority in determining whether the patient’s medical condition qualifies them for treatment in Convenient Care.
If the patient does not qualify, they will be offered Emergency care.
If the patient does qualify, they will be charged for this service at a reduced rate. Any testing (lab tests, X-rays, etc.), supplies used, or medications given are at an additional cost. Additional reviews of X-ray or lab work may be necessary and will be charged separately.
If patient becomes worse and needs to be treated in the Emergency Department, charges will be billed at the regular Emergency Department rate.
In order to do Convenient Care at a reasonable cost, the patient is always asked for the Convenient Care co-pay the day of treatment.
As a Convenient Care patient, your treatment becomes secondary to patients in the Emergency Department. It is critical for the staff to treat those with severe conditions first.
Why Choose Convenient Care
Emergency Room claims can be denied because the insurance company determines them to be “non-emergent”, which leaves the patient responsible for the bill.
Convenient Care is billed at a lower rate to your insurance provider or to you.
You can be seen after normal clinical hours for illnesses or injuries that do not require emergency care.
You can even be seen on weekends.