The Popeye Pedalers, Pedal the Cause Team, hosted a pre-ride fundraiser event in Perryville, MO on September 7th. Popeye Pedalers team members, Christy Presnell and Judy Ernst, organized the event. Thirty-three riders lined up at the starting line that morning to complete one of three distances: a 5 mile, 9 mile or 20 mile ride. The leisurely courses started at Mary Jane’s Burger and Brews on the square and took the cyclists through the Perryville Park, The Bank of Missouri Soccer Park, and past the Missouri National Veterans Memorial Wall depending on the distance they choose to ride. The event was not organized to be a race and therefore everyone was a winner for making the choice to get on their “cancer curing” bike that morning.
Overall, the event raised over $1,400 to be donated in the team’s name to the Pedal the Cause event in St. Louis on September 29th. This annual event raised over 4 million in cancer research funds in 2018 that were utilized by Siteman Cancer Center and Siteman Kids at St. Louis Children’s Hospital cancer research projects. Kathy Winkler, Memorial Hospital Team Leader, stated, “We had a beautiful day and heard many positive comments on the ride. We had a great turnout, and hope to make this an annual event and continue to grow our numbers.” The goal for participation was 20 and they well exceeded that. The team was even able to gain three new members during the ride.
The team would like to thank everyone that participated in the event and continues to support their fundraising efforts each year. To join the team or make a donation, visit their page at